Netflix 在 2021 年第四季度增加了超过 1300 万新会员,这主要是由于市场扩张和内容库不断增长。 Netflix added over 13 million new members in Q4/2021, primarily due to market expansion and growing content libraries.
去年(2021年)第四季度,Netflix的订阅用户数量增加了超过1300万,即使价格上涨,其表现也依然出色。 In the 4th quarter of last year (2021), Netflix's subscription count increased by over 13 million users, outperforming even with price increases. 该流媒体服务将其成功归功于其不断增长的内容库和广泛的受欢迎程度,并且正在进入新的市场。 The streaming service has attributed its success to its growing library of content and its widespread popularity, which is reaching new markets. 订阅用户的增加有助于巩固 Netflix 在竞争激烈的流媒体市场中的地位。 This boost in subscribers helps strengthen Netflix's position in the competitive streaming market.