首位女象夫帕尔巴蒂·巴鲁阿(“Hasti Kanya”)因动物保护和挑战性别角色而荣获莲花士奖。 First woman elephant mahout Parbati Baruah ('Hasti Kanya') receives Padma Shri award for animal conservation and challenging gender roles.
来自阿萨姆邦的大象驯象师和动物保护先驱帕尔巴蒂·巴鲁阿 (Parbati Baruah) 被授予莲花士勋章。 Parbati Baruah, a pioneering elephant mahout and animal conservationist from Assam, has been awarded the Padma Shri. 现年67岁的她被称为“象女”,是印度第一位女象夫。 The 67-year-old, known as the "Elephant Girl," is India's first female elephant mahout. 她获得该奖项是为了表彰她在动物保护方面的工作,以及克服性别陈规定型观念,在传统上由男性主导的领域为自己创造机会。 She received the award in recognition of her work in animal conservation and for overcoming gender stereotypes to create opportunities for herself in a traditionally male-dominated field.