因出演《星际迷航》系列电影而闻名的 73 岁《星际迷航》演员加里·格雷厄姆因心脏骤停去世。 Star Trek actor Gary Graham, 73, known for roles in 'Star Trek' franchises, died from cardiac arrest.
因出演《星际迷航:进取号》和《异形国度》而闻名的加里·格雷厄姆去世,享年 73 岁。 Gary Graham, best known for his roles in "Star Trek: Enterprise" and "Alien Nation," has passed away at the age of 73. 他的妻子贝基·格雷厄姆在福克斯新闻数字频道上宣布了这一消息。 His wife, Becky Graham, announced the news on Fox News Digital. 格雷厄姆有心脏病史,但在华盛顿斯波坎的一家医院因心脏骤停突然死亡。 Graham had a history of heart problems but died suddenly from cardiac arrest in a Spokane, Washington, hospital. 他最出名的角色是在《星际迷航:航海家号》中饰演奥坎潘社区领袖塔尼斯、在《星际迷航:进取号》中饰演瓦肯大使索瓦尔、以及在《星际迷航:众神与人类》和《星际迷航:星际迷航:众神与人类》中饰演大副拉格纳。迷航:叛徒。” He was best known for his roles as Ocampan community leader Tanis on "Star Trek: Voyager," as Vulcan ambassador Soval on "Star Trek: Enterprise," and as First Officer Ragnar in "Star Trek: Of Gods and Men" and "Star Trek: Renegades." 他还主演了 1989 年的电影“Robot Jox”和电视节目“JAG”。 He also starred in the 1989 film "Robot Jox" and the television show "JAG." 格雷厄姆出生于加利福尼亚州长滩,去世时是华盛顿州居民。 Graham was born in Long Beach, California, and was a resident of Washington state at the time of his death. 他的前妻苏珊·拉维尔(Susan Lavelle)在脸书上宣布了他的去世消息,表达了对妻子和女儿的深切哀悼和感激之情。 His ex-wife, Susan Lavelle, announced his death on Facebook, expressing deep sadness and gratitude for his wife and daughter. 格雷厄姆于 20 世纪 70 年代开始了他的电视生涯,并因在《间谍内探》、《最后的战士》、《傲慢者》、《All the Right Moves》、《机器人乔克斯》和《钢铁》中的角色而出名。 Graham began his television career in the 1970s and made his mark with roles in "The Spy Within," "The Last Warrior," "The Arrogant," "All the Right Moves," "Robot Jox," and "Steel."