乘坐多伦多联合地铁,斯坦利杯为通勤者带来欢乐,同时宣传 NHL 全明星赛。 Traveling on Toronto's Union subway, the Stanley Cup brings joy to commuters as it promotes the NHL All-Star Game.
斯坦利杯在多伦多联合地铁上惊喜亮相,以宣传即将到来的 NHL 全明星赛,让有机会与奖杯和前枫叶队后卫托马斯·卡贝尔合影的通勤者们感到高兴。 The Stanley Cup took a surprise ride on Toronto's Union subway to promote the upcoming NHL All-Star Game, delighting commuters who got a chance to take photos with the trophy and former Maple Leafs defenseman Tomas Kaberle. NHL冠军奖杯在卡伯勒和奖杯守护者菲尔·普里查德的陪同下,乘坐TTC地铁线从多伦多市中心运往市中心。 The NHL championship trophy, accompanied by Kaberle and Phil Pritchard, the keeper of the Cup, traveled from midtown Toronto to the city's downtown core on a TTC subway line.