前佐治亚州吉祥物 Uga X 去世;他曾两次参加全国锦标赛。 Former Georgia mascot Uga X dies; he served during two national championships.
连续八年担任佐治亚州吉祥物的 Uga X 去世了。 Former Georgia mascot Uga X, who had an eight-year run, has passed away. Uga X 自 1955 年以来一直是英国斗牛犬吉祥物系列的一部分,于 2015 年在桑福德体育场边线开始运行。 Uga X, part of the English bulldog mascot line since 1955, began his run in 2015 on the Sanford Stadium sideline. 他在斗牛犬队 2023 年春季橄榄球比赛的仪式上退役。 He retired in a ceremony at the Bulldogs' 2023 spring football game. 由查尔斯·塞勒 (Charles Seiler) 领导的塞勒家族 (Seiler family) 保留了吉祥物系列近 70 年。 The Seiler family, led by Charles Seiler, has maintained the line of mascots for nearly 70 years. 乔治亚州在2015年至2022年间取得的91胜18负的战绩是他任期内的一大亮点。 Georgia's 91-18 record from 2015-2022 was a highlight of his tenure.