弗吉尼亚男孩通过收集英雄的徽章来激励执法部门。 Virginia boy inspires law enforcement by collecting patches from his heroes.
六岁男孩杰斯·格罗斯克洛斯对警察部队有着浓厚的兴趣。 Jase Groseclose, a six-year-old boy, has a strong interest in the police force. 他从当地和国际执法机构收集了补丁,包括布里斯托尔、弗吉尼亚州警长泰隆·福斯特,甚至参观了田纳西州布拉夫市警察局。 He has collected patches from local and international law enforcement agencies, including Bristol, Virginia Sheriff Tyrone Foster, and even visited the Bluff City Police Department in Tennessee. 他的母亲萨拉说,他是其他热爱警察职业的人的灵感来源。 His mother, Sara, says he is an inspiration to others who love the police profession. 出于对警察的热爱,Groseclose 收集了大约 50 个补丁。 Groseclose's love for the police has led to a collection of around 50 patches.