梅德斯通一男一女在遛狗时被车撞死。 A man and woman were killed by car while walking dog in Maidstone.
一名男子、一名女子和他们的狗在肯特郡贝尔斯特德的一场车祸中丧生。 A man, a woman, and their dog died in a car accident in Bearsted, Kent. 行人都是60多岁,狗没有受伤。 The pedestrians were in their 60s and the dog was unharmed. 事故发生在梅德斯通附近贝尔斯特德的瑟纳姆巷。 The accident occurred in Thurnham Lane, Bearsted, near Maidstone. 司机仍留在现场。 The driver remains at the scene. 碰撞情况正在调查中。 The circumstances of the collision are under investigation.