《权力的游戏》主创贝尼奥夫和韦斯很遗憾没有在剧中加入更多角色“狱卒莫德”。 Game of Thrones creators Benioff and Weiss regret not including more of the character Mord the Jailer.
《权力的游戏》主创大卫·贝尼奥夫和丹·韦斯透露了他们将改变该剧的一件事。 Game of Thrones creators David Benioff and Dan Weiss have revealed one thing they would change about the show. 他们希望能在额外的场景中带回狱卒莫德这个角色,因为他们为他制定了故事情节。 They wish they had brought back the character Mord the Jailer for additional scenes, as they had a storyline idea for him. 制片人没有批评该剧,优先考虑的是不损害自己或参与制作的其他人的声誉。 The showrunners did not criticize the series, prioritizing not harming the reputation of themselves or others involved in the production.