卢西亚娜·伯杰(Luciana Berger)以心理健康领域的身份重返政治前沿。 Returning to the political forefront in a mental health capacity is Luciana Berger.
前工党议员卢西亚娜·伯杰 (Luciana Berger) 重返工党,担任监督其心理健康战略的关键角色。 Luciana Berger, a former Labour MP, has returned to the party in a key role to oversee its mental health strategy. 伯杰因反犹太主义丑闻于 2019 年退党,他将在制定和实施心理健康战略方面发挥至关重要的作用。 Berger, who left the party in 2019 due to an antisemitism scandal, will play a crucial role in developing and implementing the mental health strategy. 该倡议旨在解决党内和全社会的心理健康问题,包括计划在学校提供心理健康支持,在社区建立心理健康中心,并招募 8,500 名心理健康专业人员。 The party's initiative aims to address mental health issues within the party and society as a whole and includes plans to provide mental health support in schools, put mental health hubs in communities, and recruit 8,500 mental health professionals.