科学家称,月球已经进入了一个新纪元。 The moon has entered a new epoch, scientists say.
科学家提出,月球已经进入了一个新的地质时期,称为“月球人类世”。 Scientists propose that the Moon has entered a new geological period called the "Lunar Anthropocene." 这标志着人类探索月球和撞击月球的开始,苏联 1959 年的月球 2 号任务被认为是这一努力的重要里程碑。 This marks the start of human exploration and impact on the Moon, with the Soviet Union's Luna 2 mission in 1959 considered a significant milestone in this endeavour. 月球人类世关注人类对地球的影响。 The Lunar Anthropocene focuses on human impacts on our planet.