斯塔福德郡的 Tamworth Tap 连续第二年被评为英国最佳酒吧。 For the second consecutive year, Staffordshire's Tamworth Tap has been voted the greatest pub in the United Kingdom.
斯塔福德郡的塔姆沃斯塔普 (Tamworth Tap) 啤酒吧荣获真正麦尔运动 (CAMRA) 颁发的 2023 年国家年度酒吧奖。 The Tamworth Tap, a brewpub in Staffordshire, has won the National Pub of the Year award for 2023 from the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA). 这家酒吧位于一家 16 世纪的商店内,连续第二年荣获这一称号,也是继谢菲尔德的凯勒姆岛酒馆 (Kelham Island Tavern) 之后第二家实现这一壮举的酒吧。 The pub, which is situated in a 16th-century shop, has won the title for the second year in a row and is only the second pub ever to achieve this feat, following the Kelham Island Tavern in Sheffield. 酒吧提供八种手拉啤酒,其中一种是塔姆沃斯啤酒,其余则来自当地和远方。 The pub offers eight hand-pulls, featuring one Tamworth ale and the remainder from local and distant sources.