僵尸电影《惊变28天》的续集已经宣布。The sequel to the zombie film 28 Days Later has been announced.
《惊变 28 天》的原导演丹尼·博伊尔和编剧亚历克斯·加兰将重聚,拍摄续集《惊变 28 年后》。The original 28 Days Later director, Danny Boyle, and writer, Alex Garland, are reuniting for a sequel called 28 Years Later.该片预计将推出新三部曲。The film is expected to launch a new trilogy.第一部电影于 2002 年上映,获得了评论界和商业上的成功,重振了僵尸恐怖片类型。The first film, released in 2002, was a critical and commercial success, revitalizing the zombie horror genre.