《最后生还者》为即将到来的第二季选择了一位加拿大女演员。 For its upcoming second season, The Last of Us has selected a Canadian actress.
26 岁女演员凯特琳·德弗 (Kaitlyn Dever) 已确认加入《最后生还者》第二季的演员阵容,该剧将于澳大利亚开拍。 Kaitlyn Dever, a 26-year-old actress, has been confirmed to join the cast of The Last of Us for season two, set to begin filming in Australia. 演员阵容包括贝拉·拉姆齐(Bella Ramsey)饰演艾莉(Ellie),她对僵尸叮咬具有免疫力,并且可能掌握着人类生存的秘密。 The cast includes Bella Ramsey as Ellie, who has an immunity to zombie bites and may hold the secret for humanity's survival. 粉丝们警告称,凯特琳的角色可能会遭到强烈反对,但剧集制作人克雷格·麦辛和游戏联合创作者尼尔·德鲁克曼表示,他们的选角过程与第一季相同。 Fans have warned about possible backlash for Kaitlyn's role, but showrunner Craig Mazin and game co-creator Neil Druckmann have stated that their casting process remains identical to season 1.