悉尼的一个公园已暂时关闭。 A Sydney park has been temporarily closed.
在发现花园覆盖物样本含有微量石棉后,悉尼内西区的罗泽尔公园已暂时关闭。 Rozelle Parklands in Sydney's Inner West has been temporarily closed after samples of garden mulch were found to contain traces of asbestos. 上个月才向公众开放的新绿地在现场进行测试时已关闭。 The new green space, which only opened to the public last month, is closed while tests are conducted on-site. 新南威尔士州交通局在一份声明中表示,初步专家建议表明该样本风险较低,空气质量测试未发现空气中的颗粒物。 Initial expert advice suggests the sample is low risk and air quality tests revealed no airborne particles, Transport for NSW said in a statement. 覆盖物由承包商提供,将从现场移除并更换。 The mulch was provided by a contractor and will be removed from the site and replaced. 目前正在询问该产品是否在其他地点使用过。 Inquiries are being made into whether the product has been used at any other locations.