一名被指控的偷车贼试图通过叫一辆 Uber 来逃脱车祸。An accused car thief attempted to escape a crash by hailing an Uber.
一名男子在墨尔本郊区砸毁一辆被盗车辆并试图乘坐优步逃跑后被指控。A man has been charged after smashing a stolen vehicle in suburban Melbourne and trying to flee in an Uber.警方称,一名目击者看到了车祸,司机逃跑了。Police say a witness saw a crash and the driver fled.在拼车离开酒店之前,有人看到这名男子沿着布莱克本路奔跑。The man was seen running along Blackburn Road before the rideshare car left a hotel.该男子被追捕并被捕。The man was chased and arrested.