移动技术先驱高通公司宣布计划在印度建立一个新的开发中心。 Mobile technology pioneer Qualcomm has announced plans to create a new development centre in India.
高通印度公司计划投资 17.72.7 亿卢比在钦奈建设新设计中心,旨在为多达 1,600 名技术专业人士创造就业机会。 Qualcomm India plans to invest ₹177.27 crore in a new design centre in Chennai, aiming to create jobs for up to 1,600 skilled professionals. 该中心将专注于无线连接解决方案,并为高通在 5G 蜂窝技术的全球研发工作做出贡献。 The centre will specialize in wireless connectivity solutions and contribute to Qualcomm's global research and development efforts in 5G cellular technology. 此举是高通致力于走在无线通信行业前沿的承诺的一部分。 The move is part of Qualcomm's commitment to being at the forefront of the wireless communications industry.