德里克·德雷珀 (Derek Draper) 是 20 世纪 90 年代新工党的杰出人物。 Derek Draper was a prominent figure in New Labour in the 1990s.
托尼·布莱尔和戈登·布朗新工党政府期间的前政治顾问和游说者德里克·德雷珀在遭受冠状病毒的长期症状后去世。 Derek Draper, a former political advisor and lobbyist during the New Labour governments of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, has passed away after suffering long-lasting symptoms from coronavirus. 德雷珀的丈夫是电视节目主持人凯特·加拉威,她自 2020 年 3 月起就病重,需要全天候护理。 Draper, who was married to TV presenter Kate Garraway, had been seriously ill since March 2020 and needed round-the-clock care. 他是 20 世纪 90 年代新工党的杰出人物,为布莱尔派彼得·曼德尔森工作并建立了进步组织。 He was a prominent figure in New Labour in the 1990s, working for Blairite Peter Mandelson and setting up the Progress organization.