丹·沃克 (Dan Walker) 将在工作日早上主持经典 FM 早餐节目。 Dan Walker will host the Classic FM Breakfast show on weekday mornings.
丹·沃克 (Dan Walker) 是一位经验丰富的主持人,因其在《足球焦点》和《BBC 早餐》节目中的工作而闻名,他已被宣布为 Classic FM 早餐节目的新主持人。 Dan Walker, a seasoned presenter known for his work on Football Focus and BBC Breakfast, has been announced as the new host of Classic FM's breakfast show. 这位 46 岁的人将从 2024 年 1 月 8 日开始接管早上 6.30 至上午 10 点的时段。 The 46-year-old will take over the 6.30am to 10am slot, starting on January 8th, 2024. Walker 表达了他加入 Classic FM 团队的兴奋,并分享了他对古典音乐的热情。 Walker expressed his excitement about joining the Classic FM team and shared his passion for classical music.