在亚利桑那州麦凯尔中心主场迎战科罗拉多州之前两小时,排名第十的野猫队在一场 3 对 3 篮球比赛中面对亚当·桑德勒。 Two hours prior to Arizona's McKale Center hosting Colorado, the 10th-ranked Wildcats faced Adam Sandler in a 3-on-3 basketball match.
喜剧演员亚当·桑德勒 (Adam Sandler) 在亚利桑那州麦凯尔中心 (McKale Center) 打了一场 3 对 3 篮球赛,两小时后排名第 10 的野猫队 (Wildcats) 对阵科罗拉多队 (Colorado)。 Comedian Adam Sandler played a game of 3-on-3 basketball at Arizona's McKale Center two hours before the 10th-ranked Wildcats faced Colorado. 这位喜剧演员穿着夏威夷风格的衬衫和绿松石色的短裤,有人发现他在防守时将球从头顶上方传过。 Wearing a Hawaiian-style shirt and turquoise shorts, the comedian was spotted flipping a pass over his head while playing defense. 桑德勒以热爱篮球而闻名,他有一个住在图森的妹妹,经常在城里见到他。 Sandler, known for his love of basketball, has a sister who lives in Tucson and is often seen in the city.