最近上映的一部以早期米老鼠为主角的电影已经公开。 A recently released film that features early Mickey Mouse has become publicly available.
1928 年以米老鼠为主角的迪士尼短片《威利号汽船》已进入公共领域,允许创作者在无需寻求许可或产生费用的情况下使用该角色。 Steamboat Willie, a 1928 Disney short film featuring Mickey Mouse, has entered the public domain, allowing creators to use the character without seeking permission or incurring costs. 作为回应,恐怖喜剧《米老鼠的陷阱》发布了预告片,以米老鼠为主角。 In response, a trailer for a horror comedy titled Mickey's Mouse Trap has been released, featuring Mickey Mouse as the antagonist. 在这部即将上映的电影中,一群年轻人在当地的一家游乐场里成为了一个装扮成米老鼠的蒙面杀手的受害者。 The upcoming film sees a group of young adults fall victim to a masked killer dressed as Mickey Mouse at a local arcade.