为了讨论 VVPAT 的使用问题,印度集团已要求与印度选举委员会 (ECI) 举行会议。 In order to talk about the usage of VVPATs, the INDIA bloc has requested a meeting with the Election Commission of India (ECI).
国大党高级领导人贾拉姆·拉梅什 (Jairam Ramesh) 已致信首席选举专员拉吉夫·库马尔 (Rajiv Kumar),请求印度集团领导人团队有机会与他和他的同事会面,提出他们对 VVPAT 的看法。 Senior Congress leader Jairam Ramesh has written to Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar, requesting an opportunity for a team of INDIA bloc leaders to meet him and his colleagues to put forward their point of view on VVPATs. 拉梅什在信中提到,2023年12月20日,印度各党领导人请求与ECI会面,根据上届印度集团领导人会议通过的决议,讨论VVPAT的使用并提出建议。天。 In his letter, Ramesh mentioned that on December 20, 2023, INDIA parties' leaders had requested an appointment with the ECI to discuss and provide suggestions on the use of VVPATs based on a resolution passed at a meeting of leaders of the bloc held the previous day.