卡罗莱纳黑豹队老板大卫·泰珀在镜头前向吵闹的美洲虎队球迷扔饮料。 The Carolina Panthers' owner, David Tepper, was seen on camera hurling a drink at a rowdy Jaguars supporter.
卡罗莱纳黑豹队度过了一个艰难的赛季,周日,球队老板大卫·泰珀似乎向一位不守规矩的美洲虎队球迷扔了一杯饮料,球队的战绩达到了新低。 The Carolina Panthers had a difficult season, which reached a new low on Sunday when owner David Tepper appeared to throw a drink at an unruly Jaguars fan. NFL 知道该视频,但拒绝进一步置评。 The NFL is aware of the video but declined to comment further. 整个赛季黑豹队的表现都很挣扎,场均推进 2.3 码,直到第四节才推进 100 码。 The Panthers have struggled throughout the season, averaging 2.3 yards per play and not crossing 100 total yards until the fourth quarter.