努纳武特 ICFI 资金的变化迫使因纽特妇女在安全分娩和儿童护理之间做出选择。 Changes to Nunavut’s ICFI funding force Inuit women to choose between safe births and children’s care.
努纳武特的保健工作者说,因努伊特儿童第一倡议(ICFI)供资方案的改变迫使因努伊特孕妇在安全生育或确保其子女得到适当照顾之间作出选择。 Healthcare workers in Nunavut say changes to the Inuit Child First Initiative (ICFI) funding program are forcing pregnant Inuit women to choose between having a safe birth or ensuring their children receive proper care. 2019年,国际儿童基金于2019年发起,旨在为儿童提供不离开社区就获得保健和社会服务的机会。 Launched in 2019, ICFI aimed to provide children access to health and social services without leaving their communities. 最近的变化要求为非医疗支助申请提供医疗专业支助,导致批准减少,国家审查增多。 Recent changes require medical professional support for non-medical support applications, leading to fewer approvals and more national reviews. 这使保健工作者担心潜在的不安全生育和儿童福利问题。 This has healthcare workers worried about potential unsafe births and children's welfare.