不列颠哥伦比亚省素里市的两名男子承认了 2024 年 1 月 27 日导致一名行人死亡的致命肇事逃逸罪。 Two men in Surrey, BC, plead guilty to a fatal hit-and-run that killed a pedestrian on January 27, 2024.
在不列颠哥伦比亚省萨里,两名男子Gaganpreet Singh和Jagdeep Singh对2024年1月27日发生的一起致命的肇事逃逸事件认罪。 In Surrey, British Columbia, two men, Gaganpreet Singh and Jagdeep Singh, have pleaded guilty to a fatal hit-and-run that occurred on January 27, 2024. 他们驾驶一辆红色福特野马,撞车并拖着行人行走几个街区。 They were driving a red Ford Mustang that struck and dragged a pedestrian for several blocks. 受害人被发现死在现场。 The victim was found dead at the scene. 两人被控危险驾驶、事故后未能停止驾驶、干扰一具尸体,5月正在等待判决。 Both men are charged with dangerous driving, failing to stop after an accident, and interference with a dead body, and are awaiting sentencing in May. 该车辆的第三名乘客也被逮捕,但姓名仍然不明。 The third occupant of the vehicle, who was also arrested, remains unnamed.