皇家空军教官Zach Stubbings, 培训威廉王子, 死于与有毒直升机烟雾有关的癌症。 RAF instructor Zach Stubbings, who trained Prince William, died of cancer linked to toxic helicopter fumes.
Zach Stubbings是前皇家空军教官,曾培训威廉王子,47岁死于与军用直升机有毒烟雾有关的癌症。 Zach Stubbings, a former RAF instructor who trained Prince William, died at 47 from cancer linked to toxic fumes from military helicopters. 数百名服务人员指责国防部没有保护他们免受致癌排放的影响。 Hundreds of service members have accused the Ministry of Defence of not protecting them from carcinogenic emissions. 国防部正面临来自近40名有癌症诊断的部队的法律行动,并正在调查各种直升机模型的潜在风险。 The MoD is facing legal action from nearly 40 troops with cancer diagnoses and is investigating potential risks from various helicopter models.