科罗拉多州预付款法案 限制杂货店的烈性酒精销售 并计划高速公路安全摄像头 Colorado advances bill to limit grocery stores' hard alcohol sales and plans highway safety cameras.
科罗拉多州正在推进一项法案 该法案可以阻止杂货店 扩大烈性酒精的销售范围 Colorado is moving forward with a bill that could stop grocery stores from expanding their sales of hard alcohol. 这项措施已经克服了第一个立法障碍,并更接近成为法律。 The measure has passed its first legislative hurdle and is closer to becoming law. 国家还计划在高速公路上安装摄像头,以打击超速和加强驾驶员安全,尽管有关技术和地点的细节没有详细说明。 The state also plans to install cameras on highways to combat speeding and enhance driver safety, though specifics on the technology and locations are not detailed.