警察调查了今年在伯纳比1号公路Gilmore的第三次商业车辆碰撞事件。 Police investigate third commercial vehicle collision at Gilmore overpass on Highway 1 in Burnaby this year.
警方正在调查不列颠哥伦比亚省伯纳比1号公路Gilmore上空的商用车辆碰撞事件, Police are investigating a commercial vehicle collision with the Gilmore overpass on Highway 1 in Burnaby, BC, which occurred around noon on Wednesday. 这标志着自2023年9月以来,对这座桥的第三次打击。 This marks the third strike at this overpass since September 2023. 虽然过道没有明显损坏,但预期在清理现场之前会发生轻微的交通延误。 While there is no visible damage to the overpass, minor traffic delays are expected until the scene is cleared. BC 商用车辆安全和执法将决定任何必要的行动。 BC Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement will determine any necessary actions.