Terrance Gaines因在安德森县贩毒、家庭暴力和持有武器被捕。 Terrance Gaines arrested for drug trafficking, domestic violence, and weapons possession in Anderson County.
Terrance Gaines, 60岁,在安德森县被捕,因为议员们对关于家庭纠纷和枪声的报告作出了回应。 Terrance Gaines, a 60-year-old man, was arrested in Anderson County after deputies responded to reports of a domestic dispute and a gunshot. 在公寓内,当局发现了500多克可卡因和一把枪,导致Gaines被捕,罪名包括贩毒、家庭暴力和持有武器。 Inside the apartment, authorities found over 500 grams of cocaine and a gun, leading to Gaines' arrest on charges including drug trafficking, domestic violence, and weapons possession. 他被带往Anderson县拘留中心。 He was taken to the Anderson County Detention Center.