特朗普总统威胁说,如果伊朗试图暗杀他,他将“消灭”伊朗,同时签署制裁。 President Trump threatens to "obliterate" Iran if they attempt to assassinate him, while signing sanctions.
特朗普总统表示,他已指示他的顾问们,如果伊朗试图暗杀他,他就“消灭”伊朗。 President Trump stated that he has instructed his advisers to "obliterate" Iran if the country attempts to assassinate him. 在宣布这一声明的同时,他签署了一项行政命令,以重新实施制裁并加大对伊朗的压力,理由是对伊朗核野心的担忧和之前对他的威胁。 This declaration came as he signed an executive order to reimpose sanctions and increase pressure on Iran, citing concerns over Iran's nuclear ambitions and previous threats against him. 该命令旨在遏制伊朗的石油出口并实施最高限度的经济制裁。 The order aims to curb Iran's oil exports and impose maximum economic sanctions.