菲尼克斯的轻型铁路扩张 接近完成, 帮助过境 但影响当地企业。 Phoenix's light rail expansion nears completion, aiding transit but impacting local businesses.
凤凰城的河谷地铁轻型铁路系统 即将完成95%的 向南凤凰城的扩展 预计将加强公共交通和减少交通堵塞 The Valley Metro light rail system in Phoenix is nearing a 95% completion of its expansion into South Phoenix, expected to enhance public transportation and reduce traffic congestion. 当地小企业面临挑战,报告收入下降和因施工而关闭。 Local small businesses have faced challenges, reporting revenue drops and closures due to construction. 一个联盟呼吁加强社区参与和调查语言准入问题。 A coalition has called for better community engagement and investigation into language access issues. 山谷大都市和凤凰城提供了多达9 000美元的赠款,帮助受影响的企业。 Valley Metro and Phoenix have provided grants up to $9,000 to help impacted businesses.