Norman警察在Ou校园附近搜寻武装嫌疑人;部分封锁生效。 Norman police hunt armed suspect near OU campus; partial lockdown in effect.
诺曼警察局正在俄克拉荷马大学校园附近搜寻一名武装嫌疑人,特别是在林赛与宪法街道之间的铁路轨道以西。 The Norman Police Department is searching for an armed suspect near the University of Oklahoma campus, specifically west of the railroad tracks between Lindsey and Constitution streets. 前一个交通站的4名嫌疑人中有3人被拘留,1人仍然在逃。 Three out of four suspects from a previous traffic stop have been detained, but one remains at large. 作为预防措施,诺贝尔公立学校和OU校园的部分地区被置于警戒状态或封锁状态。 Noble Public Schools and parts of the OU campus have been placed on alert or lockdown as a precaution. 当局敦促公众在看到嫌疑人时联系911。 Authorities urge the public to contact 911 if they see the suspect.