科学家从kombucha副产品创造生态友好型结构,比棉花更强大。 Scientists create eco-friendly fabric from kombucha byproduct, stronger than cotton.
科学家们正在利用kombucha的副产品开发一种可持续的结构,该产品比棉花强十倍。 Scientists are developing a sustainable fabric using a byproduct of kombucha, which is ten times stronger than cotton. 这种材料,称为细菌纤维素素,是用糖和茶制成的SCOBY(细菌和酵母的共生文化)培养出来的。 This material, known as bacterial cellulose, is grown from a SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast) fed on sugar and tea. 它无害生态,可生物降解,具有抗菌特性,成为污染合成纤维的有希望的替代品。 It is eco-friendly, biodegradable, and has antibacterial properties, making it a promising alternative to polluting synthetic fibers. 然而,在扩大生产和提高水效率方面仍然存在挑战。 However, challenges in scaling up production and water efficiency remain.