马伦戈附近的一辆车发生事故, 一名男子受重伤; 176号公路关闭了三小时. Man critically injured in single-vehicle crash near Marengo; Route 176 closed for three hours.
一名男子在176号公路上撞到伊利诺伊州马林戈附近的一棵树,汽车坠毁,他受重伤。 A man suffered serious injuries after his vehicle crashed into a tree near Marengo, Illinois, on Route 176. 事件发生于上午7时23分,他被送往Rockford的Javon Bea医院。 The incident occurred at 7:23 a.m., and he was transported to Javon Bea Hospital–Riverside in Rockford. 176号公路关闭了三个多小时 McHenry县警察局正在调查 Route 176 was closed for over three hours, and the McHenry County Sheriff's Office is investigating. 没有涉及其他车辆,也没有报告另有人受伤。 No other vehicles were involved, and no additional injuries were reported.