古巴密苏里州发生房屋爆炸,一名妇女丧生,一名男子受伤,房屋被毁。 A house explosion in Cuba, Missouri, killed one woman, injured a man, and destroyed the home.
在古巴密苏里发生的一起房子爆炸,星期四初,一名妇女丧生,一名男子受伤,房屋被毁。 A house explosion in Cuba, Missouri, early Thursday killed one woman and injured a man, destroying the home. 包括克劳福德县治安官办公室和密苏里州消防局长办公室在内的多个机构正在调查,没有犯规嫌疑。 Multiple agencies, including the Crawford County Sheriff's Office and Missouri State Fire Marshal's Office, are investigating without suspicion of foul play. 受害者的姓名还没有公布。 The victims' names are not yet released.