警官Albert Willits 100年前在Wolverh 安普敦的追悼仪式上被枪杀 Police honor officer Albert Willits, shot 100 years ago, at a Wolverhampton memorial service.
在Wolverhampton中央警察局举行追悼仪式,向警员Albert Willits致敬。 警员Albert Willits100年前在试图阻止三名可疑的青年男子时,在值勤时被致命枪击身亡。 A memorial service at Wolverhampton Central Police Station honored Police Constable Albert Willits, who was fatally shot on duty 100 years ago while trying to stop three suspicious young men. Willits, 一个忠心耿耿的军官, 于1921年加入部队, 当他去世时是24岁。 Willits, a dedicated officer who joined the force in 1921, was 24 when he died. 参加这项服务的有500多名警官,其目的是保持他的遗产,在警察局设置一个纪念牌,并在数字荣誉名册上标出他的名字。 The service, attended by over 500 police officers, aims to keep his legacy alive, with a memorial plaque at the station and his name featured on the digital roll of honor.