演员朱莉·文主演新的喜剧"假装它直到你做它"在洛杉矶1月29日首映. Actress Julie Bowen stars in new comedy "Fake It Until You Make It" premiering Jan 29 in Los Angeles.
女演员Julie Bowen将在2025年1月29日至3月9日在洛杉矶的Mark Taper论坛, 首映Larissa FastHorse的喜剧《假装直到你成真》。 Actress Julie Bowen will star in the world premiere of Larissa FastHorse's comedy "Fake It Until You Make It" at the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles from January 29 to March 9, 2025. 该剧通过两个角色之间的竞争,探讨雄心壮志和身份认同的主题。 The play explores themes of ambition and identity through a rivalry between two characters. 该作品是与华盛顿特区 Arena Stage 合作的作品,将于 4 月 3 日至 5 月 4 日在华盛顿特区演出,由艾米·布伦尼曼 (Amy Brenneman) 领导。 The production, a co-op with Arena Stage in D.C., will feature a different cast at its D.C. run from April 3 to May 4, led by Amy Brenneman.