由于预算削减,副总统办公室将结束其医疗和埋葬援助方案。 The Vice President's office will end its medical and burial assistance program due to a budget cut.
由于2025年《一般拨款法》中资金不足,副总统办公室将停止其医疗和丧葬援助方案。 The Office of the Vice President (OVP) will discontinue its medical and burial assistance program due to insufficient funding in the 2025 General Appropriations Act. 该计划在 2024 年帮助了 187,028 人,由于预算削减,今年将停止运营,使 OVP 仅剩下 7.33 亿比索,远低于要求的 20.37 亿比索。 The program, which helped 187,028 individuals in 2024, will cease operations this year due to the budget cut, leaving the OVP with only P733 million, far less than the requested P2.037 billion. OVP 已为给您带来的不便深表歉意。 The OVP has apologized for the inconvenience.