古吉拉特邦成立了九个新的市政公司,以促进城市发展和服务。 Gujarat launches nine new Municipal Corporations to enhance urban development and services.
在古吉拉特邦启动了九个新的市政公司,以促进城市发展,这符合纳伦德拉·莫迪总理对2047年国家愿景。 Nine new Municipal Corporations were launched in Gujarat to boost urban development, aligning with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's national vision for 2047. 已经成立的市政公司将在一年的时间里为新的公司提供指导。 Established Municipal Corporations will mentor the new ones for a year. 每家新公司获得20卢比,其中一半用于行政能力,一半用于城市美化。 Each new corporation receives Rs 20 crore, half for administrative capacity and half for urban beautification. 该倡议旨在增强这些城市的服务和基础设施。 The initiative aims to enhance services and infrastructure in these cities.