佛罗里达州植物城 迎来2025年的欢迎 以一个巨大的草莓为主题的 黄莓式滴落 Plant City, Florida, welcomed 2025 with a berry-themed drop featuring a giant strawberry.
佛罗里达的植物城 庆祝了2025年的开始 一个独一无二的果冻主题滴落仪式 Plant City, Florida, celebrated the start of 2025 with a unique berry-themed drop ceremony. 与纽约市的投球类似, 植物城的活动中有一个大片草莓从一个舞台降下来, 象征着该市丰富的农业遗产, 并且欢迎新年充满喜庆气氛。 Similar to New York City's ball drop, Plant City's event featured a large strawberry descending from a stage, symbolizing the city's rich agricultural heritage and welcoming the new year with a festive atmosphere. 当地电台现场直播活动, 捕捉社群的兴奋。 Local radio stations broadcast the event live, capturing the excitement of the community.