RBI副州长警告说,到2100年,印度可能会因气候风险而损失3%-10%的GDP。 RBI deputy governor warns India could lose 3%-10% of GDP to climate risks by 2100.
印度储备银行副行长M. Rajeshwar Rao强调需要评估气候变化风险, 并采取措施减轻这些风险, The Reserve Bank of India's Deputy Governor, M. Rajeshwar Rao, stresses the need to assess climate change risks and implement measures to mitigate them, noting India could face a 3% to 10% GDP loss by 2100. RBI设立了一个小组来评估这些风险并促进可持续融资。 The RBI has established a group to assess these risks and promote sustainable finance. Rao呼吁提供印度特有的气候数据,并建议建立更多的公私伙伴关系和混合融资方案,以支持气候项目。 Rao calls for India-specific climate data and suggests more public-private partnerships and blended finance options to support climate projects.