阿纳海姆警察在据报的一起抢劫中打死了一名男子;在现场发现了一把复制枪。 Anaheim police fatally shot a man during a reported robbery; a replica gun was found at the scene.
Anaheim警官在回应据报的抢劫案后,于星期五晚上枪杀了一名30岁的男子。 Anaheim police officers fatally shot a 30-year-old man on Friday night after responding to a reported robbery. 警官们在现场发现了一种现实的、直观的复制火器。 The officers found a realistic-looking replica firearm at the scene. 加州司法部将与其他当地机构一起调查这一事件。 The California Department of Justice, along with other local agencies, will investigate the incident. 嫌疑人的身份仍未公布。 The suspect's identity has not been released.