导弹打击已成为航空公司乘客的头号杀手,在十年内造成500多人死亡。 Missile strikes have become the top killer of airline passengers, causing over 500 deaths in ten years.
导弹已成为航空公司乘客死亡的主要原因,根据最近的一份报告,在过去十年里有500多人死亡。 Missiles have become the leading cause of death for airline passengers, with over 500 fatalities in the past decade, according to a recent report. 最近的事件发生在哈萨克斯坦,造成38人死亡。 The latest incident occurred in Kazakhstan, resulting in 38 deaths. 飞行安全基金会指出,对民用飞机的导弹袭击曾经是冷战问题,但由于中东和东欧的冲突而重新出现。 The Flight Safety Foundation notes that missile strikes against civilian planes were once a Cold War concern but have re-emerged due to conflicts in the Middle East and Eastern Europe.