Pedestrian在佛罗里达州DeLand的Winn-Dixie附近被半卡车击毙;调查正在进行中。 Pedestrian killed by semitruck near Winn-Dixie in DeLand, Florida; investigation ongoing.
星期四清晨6点左右, 一名行人在佛罗里达州DeLand的一家戴西超市附近被一辆半卡车撞死。 A pedestrian was killed after being struck by a semitruck near a Winn-Dixie supermarket in DeLand, Florida, early Thursday morning around 6 AM. 事件发生时行人正行走在商店装载区附近。 The incident occurred as the pedestrian was walking near the store's loading area. 受害者的身份尚未公布,当地警方目前正在调查坠机原因。 The victim's identity has not been released, and local police are currently investigating the cause of the crash. 随着调查的继续进行,预计将提供更多细节。 More details are expected to be provided as the investigation continues.