阿联酋敦促私营公司在年终前促进阿联酋的雇用,目标因公司规模而异。 UAE urges private firms to boost Emirati hiring by year-end, targets vary by company size.
阿联酋人力资源和酋长国化部已提醒私营公司到12月31日实现酋长国化目标。 The UAE's Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has reminded private firms to meet Emiratisation targets by December 31. 拥有50名或50名以上雇员的公司必须把担任技术职位的阿联酋工人的比例提高2%。 Companies with 50 or more employees must increase the percentage of Emirati workers in skilled positions by 2%. 在快速增长的部门有20-49名雇员的公司必须至少雇用一名阿联酋人并保留现有的阿联酋工作人员。 Firms with 20-49 employees in fast-growing sectors must hire at least one Emirati and retain current Emirati staff. 目前,私营部门雇用了124 000多名酋长国,有23 000家公司达到了目标。 Over 124,000 Emiratis are currently employed in the private sector, with 23,000 companies meeting their targets. 该部支持纳菲斯平台,将求职者与空缺挂钩,并处罚不遵守规定的行为。 The ministry supports the Nafis platform to connect job seekers with vacancies and penalizes non-compliance.