比利・乔尔回到流行音乐, 结束了17年的间歇期 成功的巡回演出和居留。 Billy Joel returns to pop music, ending a 17-year hiatus with a successful tour and residency.
在2024年,比利·乔尔发行了自2007年以来的第一首流行单曲"Turn the Lights Back On",结束了他在麦迪逊广场花园的10年居住,收入2.67亿美元. In 2024, Billy Joel released his first pop single since 2007, "Turn the Lights Back On," and ended his 10-year Madison Square Garden residency, grossing $267 million. 他在舞台上庆祝75岁生日,并与Axl Rose等艺术家一起表演。 He celebrated his 75th birthday on stage and performed with artists like Axl Rose. Joel也横跨美国, 与Stevie Nicks, Sting, 和Rod Stewart合作, 计划持续到2025年。 Joel also toured across the US, co-headlining with Stevie Nicks, Sting, and Rod Stewart, with plans to continue into 2025.