经过17年的监禁,一对被证明无罪的好莱坞谋杀案夫妇 已经被释放。 After 17 years in prison, a couple proven innocent of a Hollywood murder have been released.
一名在东好莱坞因谋杀而入狱17年的男男女女没有犯过谋杀罪,在新证据证实他们无罪后被释放。 A man and woman who spent 17 years in prison for a murder in East Hollywood they did not commit have been released after new evidence proved their innocence. 这对夫妇在长期监禁期间一直坚持其无罪。 The couple maintained their innocence throughout their long incarceration. 当局现在正在设法查明犯罪的真正肇事者。 Authorities are now seeking to identify the real perpetrators of the crime.