女演员Braedyn Bruner加入“综合医院”, 成为Robin和Patrick Drake的女儿Emma Drake。 Actress Braedyn Bruner joins "General Hospital" as Emma Drake, daughter of Robin and Patrick Drake.
Braedyn Bruner女士将于12月23日加入“综合医院”, 成为Robin和Patrick Drake的女儿Emma Drake。 Actress Braedyn Bruner will join "General Hospital" on December 23 as Emma Drake, the daughter of Robin and Patrick Drake. Bruner 从 5 岁开始演戏,接替了 Brooklyn Rae Silzer。 Bruner, who began acting at age five, takes over from Brooklyn Rae Silzer. 她通过研究Emma的历史为这一角色作好准备,并受到演员的欢迎,包括她的屏幕上祖母Finola Hughes。 She has prepared for the role by researching Emma's history and has been welcomed by the cast, including her on-screen grandmother, Finola Hughes. Bruner的父母在看节目长大后 对她的新角色很兴奋 Bruner's parents, who grew up watching the show, are excited about her new role.