越南越战高科技与阿联酋高云技术合作,在中东扩大5G和4G的覆盖面。 Vietnamese Viettel High Tech partners with UAE's High Cloud Technologies to expand 5G and 4G coverage in the Middle East.
越南电信公司Vietel High Tech与阿联酋高云技术公司签订了一项价值数百万美元的交易,为中东供应5G和4G系统。 Vietnamese telecom company Viettel High Tech signed a multi-million dollar deal with UAE's High Cloud Technologies to supply 5G and 4G systems for the Middle East. 该伙伴关系旨在利用非独立技术和云基核心网络,扩大郊区和农村地区的电信覆盖面。 The partnership aims to enhance telecom coverage in suburban and rural areas, using Non-Standalone technology and a cloud-based core network. 这一协作旨在增强高云技术的市场存在,并提高本区域的生活水平。 This collaboration seeks to boost High Cloud Technologies' market presence and improve living standards in the region.