两位温哥华朋友在Lotto 6/49中赢了100万美元, Two Vancouver friends won $1 million in the Lotto 6/49 and plan to split the winnings for travel.
两位温哥华朋友,怀欣和唐梅, 在2024年12月11日赢得了100万美元的6/49彩票奖金, 并计划分开奖金. Two Vancouver friends, Wai Hing Yuen and Tang Mei Deng, won a $1 million Lotto 6/49 prize on December 11, 2024, and plan to split the winnings. 他们一起玩彩票已经一年了 从Champlain广场的一个亭子上买下了中奖票 They have been playing the lottery together for a year and bought the winning ticket from a kiosk at Champlain Square. 两人都打算将各自的份额用于旅行,由邓准备进行游轮旅行,元云计划访问香港。 Both intend to use their share for travel, with Deng aiming for a cruise and Yuen planning to visit Hong Kong.