联合国特使警告叙利亚冲突仍在继续,敦促终止对重建的制裁。 UN envoy warns Syrian conflict continues, urges end to sanctions for reconstruction.
联合国叙利亚特使盖尔·佩德森警告说,尽管最近停火了五天,但叙利亚冲突仍然持续。 The UN's Syria envoy, Geir Pedersen, warns that the Syrian conflict persists despite a recent five-day ceasefire. Pedersen强调土耳其支持的团体和北部库尔德团体之间目前存在的紧张关系,并敦促结束制裁,协助重建。 Pedersen highlighted ongoing tensions between Turkish-backed and Kurdish groups in the north and urged an end to sanctions to aid reconstruction. 造成广泛人道主义危机的冲突仍然动荡不定,突出表明需要持续的国际支持和干预。 The conflict, which has caused widespread humanitarian crises, remains volatile, emphasizing the need for continued international support and intervention.